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Sakuya Watanuki (綿貫 桜哉 Watanuki Sakuya) is a member of Tsubaki's Subclass and Mahiru Shirota's best friend.


While his actual age is unknown, Sakuya's physically 15 years old. He has green hair and he often wears green clothing. His eyes are red as a result of becoming a Vampire. He's often seen wearing his pink headphones.


By his classmates, Sakuya's known as the class clown, as he's always making jokes, and telling rumors of nearby vampires in an effort to scare his friends. However, the only friend who knows his true identity, is Mahiru.

Sakuya's shown to have a conflicting loyalty between Mahiru and Tsubaki. Sakuya will not betray Tsubaki because he knows that Tsubaki will not betray him, or one of his own Subclass. Sakuya's shown to be quite upset when he finds out Mahiru had been lying to him and pretended to hate Mahiru in an attempt to get Mahiru to kill him.


During Sakuya's childhood, his older sister was driven to suicide by their parents, who said that it was an accident to the cops in order to receive money of their daughter's life insurance. And Sakuya knew the truth, but he was forced to lie about the situation, which he it was also his first of many lies.

At some point after his sister's death, he meet Tsubaki, the Servamp of Melancholy. Then Tsubaki gets to know how guilty Sakuya feels, because he lied to the cops, he considers himself responsible for her death, then Tsubaki told him that it wasn't his fault that his sister died. Probably knowing about his future, Tsubaki promises Sakuya, that he'll come pick him up once "everything" is over.

While in his adolescence, Sakuya suffered the same fate as his sister. After this happened, Tsubaki made Sakuya a vampire, and one of his Subclass.




  • Unlike normal Subclass, Sakuya's capable of being out in sunlight without being harmed due to being one of Tsubaki's Subclass.


  • Strength: 7/10
  • Tactics: 6/10
  • Cooperativeness: 3/10
  • Mental: 6/10
  • Appearance: 6/10
  • Negativity: 10/10



Sakuya and Tsubaki ep 4-1

Tsubaki fulfilled his promise by turning Sakuya into one of his Subclass

At some point after his sister's death, he met Tsubaki, the Servamp of Melancholy. Then Tsubaki gets how guilty Sakuya feels, because he lied to the cops, he considers himself responsible for her death, and Tsubaki told him that it wasn't his fault that his sister's Death. Probably knowing about his future, then Tsubaki promises Sakuya, that he'll come pick him up once "everything" is over.

While in his adolescence, Sakuya suffered the same fate as his sister. Then Tsubaki fulfilled his promise, and saved Sakuya by turning him into one of his Subclass.

Even as Tsubaki's Subclass, Sakuya was traumatized by the fact how everyone lied about his sister's death, and how he eventually told lies too.

Sakuya's shown to have a conflicting loyalty between Mahiru and Tsubaki. Sakuya will not betray Tsubaki because he knows that Tsubaki will not betray him, or one of his own Subclass.

Mahiru Shirota

Sakuya's Mahiru's best friend, they both always hung out together after school with their other two friends. After Sakuya's revealed to be Tsubaki's Subclass, and he's been manipulating Mahiru's memories about being childhood friends, while in fact, they only knew each other for a year, but Mahiru still considers Sakuya as a friend Anyway.

This feeling grew even stronger once Mahiru knows Sakuya's past and his true feelings, making him determined to stop Tsubaki so Sakuya can be freed of Tsubaki's Promise. But Sakuya initially only befriends Mahiru out of boredom, but he grew up to cherish their friendship more than any of his loyalty to Tsubaki. Their friendship gets stronger after Mahiru reaches out to Sakuya, and vows to free him, making Sakuya glad and grateful for Mahiru for finding him.

Unnamed Parents

Sakuya had negative relationships with his parents. During Sakuya's childhood, his older sister was driven to suicide by his parents, who said its was an accident to the police in order to receive money of their daughter's life insurance. Sakuya knew the truth but was forced to lie about the situation, which was also his first of many lies.

While in his adolescence, Sakuya suffered the same fate as his sister. It's unknown what happened to Sakuya and his older sister's parents after Sakuya was made into Tsubaki's Subclass. It's not yet confirmed if Sakuya's parents knows about Sakuya becoming Tsubaki's Subclass.

Unnamed Older Sister


Sakuya's sister before she died

Sakuya seems to have a close relationship with his older sister before she was driven to suicide by their parents.

Before her death, Sakuya's sister made their parents promise not to hurt her younger brother. However, the results are not what she expected it to be, their parents said it was an accident to cops, so they can receive money of their daughter's life insurance. Her younger brother, Sakuya knew the truth, but then he was forced to lie about her death, which it was also his first of many lies.


  • "I was born in a town of liars, as a child of liars. A year ago I sneaked into a middle school to kill time, but in truth I probably wished for something else. [...] Just like that, because of that hand and that voice, I thought... "Man, I'd love to be friends with this guy." Mahiru... thank you for finding me...thank you for reaching out to me...!" (About Mahiru Shirota)
  • " much of what I said was a lie?"


  • Sakuya's favorite dish is Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き).
  • He dislikes lies and liars.
  • His hobbies are browsing through music shops and playing rhythm games.
  • His best subject is math.
  • His worst subject is ethics and Japanese (especially modern Japanese).
  • His favorite color is firefly green.
    • The stripes on his jacket are firefly green.
  • He is sometimes seen with pink headphones.
  • In the drama CD "The vampire-only summer vacation" Sakuya admits that he'd like to be called "Sakkun".
  • In the first popularity poll he came third with 2000 votes.
  • He gets envious of anyone that calls themselves Mahiru's friend.
  • His zodiac sign is Aries.
  • His favorite drink is carbonated drinks.
  • He did not participate in any club activities while he was in school.
  • Like Tsubaki and his other Subclass, Sakuya has a flower themed name. The kanji for his given name, Sakuya, includes a kanji that can mean Cherryblossom (桜 Sakura).

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